FusionNET - Managed OpenVZ Linux VPS's & Managed cPanel VPS's! (Softlayer DC!)

FusionNET is becoming a leader in VPS Hosting Solutions, FusionNET has been bringing Professional, Affordable and Quality VPS hosting solutions to users all around the globe. Here at FusionNET, we can provide everything larger companies do and more at a lower cost and more dedication to you as a client. We back all of our products & services with FusionSupport- 24/7 Ticket Helpdesk. We are there when you need us at any time that's good for you! All of our services listed on our website include Basic Management thats backed by our FusionSupport policy, that promises you 24/7/365 Ticket support. There's always a Customer Service representative waiting to assist you. We have trained experts working around the clock to keep our promises of 100% network uptime, Managed Support, Blazing Fast Servers, & More.. #FusionNET IRC: /server chat.thefusionnet.com (SSL: +7000) #FusionNET Pre-Sales Questions: http://thefusionnet.com/clientarea/contact.php OpenVZ Linux Basic Virtual Servers!

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