Special offer: VPS 服务器s in Germany from 1.88EUR/month

CINFU.COM special offer -50% discount for new customers! We offer unmanaged VPS Servers:
  • VPS1 - 256MB RAM - 40GB HDD - 1x1GHz CPU - 3.76EUR - 50% = 1.88EUR
  • VPS2 - 512MB RAM - 60GB HDD - 1x2GHz CPU - 5.50EUR - 50% = 2.75EUR
  • VPS3 - 1024MB RAM - 100GB HDD - 2x2GHz CPU - 11.29EUR - 50% = 5.65EUR
  • VPS4 - 2048MB RAM - 150GB HDD - 3x3GHz CPU - 17.08EUR - 50% = 8.54EUR
  • VPS5 - 4096MB RAM - 300GB HDD - 4x3GHz CPU - 37.36EUR - 50% = 18.68EUR
  • VPS6 - 8192MB RAM - 400GB HDD - 4x3GHz CPU - 57.63EUR - 50% = 28.82EUR
  • VPS7 - 12288MB RAM - 500GB HDD - 5x3GHz CPU - 98.47EUR - 50% = 49.24EUR
  • VPS8 - 16384MB RAM - 600GB HDD - 6x3GHz CPU - 110.05EUR - 50% = 55.03EUR
All VPS plans is with unmetered up to 100mbps speed data transfer! All VPS plans details you can find here: http://www.cinfu.com/vps/ Our servers is in Germany. Important discount information:
  • Discount is valid for new customers only.
  • Discount is valid for first order only.
  • First order period can by for 1-36 months.
  • Discount is not valid for services renewal and for existing customers.
  • Discount is valid to VPS, Shared Hosting and Reseller plans only.
Discount cupon code: 50off All promotion information you can find here: http://www.cinfu.com/p/50-percent-di...new-customers/ www.cinfu.com

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