UK and USA 512MB 内存, 20GB Disk and 1TB bw -> $9.95

BibiHost (IMDD Services) is an italian based registered company. We provide high quality hosting solutions for an honest price. We're mostly focused on FFmpeg hosting, necessary to run video sites, virtual servers and dedicated servers but we also do servers management, websites coding and design, graphic, Iphone and Android apps. We love to be considered your "best friend" in hosting as we always tend to have a friendly and confidential relationship with our clients. Actually BibiHost manages servers in 7 datacenters across Europe and USA. Our services are available from France, UK, NL and 4 USA locations. Our experienced team and our high quality infrastructure will provide you the best hosting experience ever! Please check our VPS offer on our site -> For questions please contact us sending an email to or ask on live chat on our site.

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