UK Quad Core 服务器s from £75/Month with 500Gb Disk and 5000Gb 流量

UK Servers are offering Supermicro Quad Core 2.4Ghz Servers from £75/Month + VAT for all customers signing up before the 31st August. All of our servers come with the following features: 24/7 telephone support 5000Gb Monthly data transfer Instant reboots through APC reboot switches 10 minute guranteed trouble ticket response time Free operating system re-installs Private Subnet/VLAN Dedicated IP allocation Quality components from Supermicro, Kingston, Seagate Dedicated 75 Special Offer Package - Intel Quad Core 2.4Ghz - 1024Mb DDR2 ECC Memory - 1 x 500Gb 7200RPM SATAII £75/Month + VAT £25 Setup + VAT Dedicated 200 Package - Intel Quad Core 2.4Ghz - 4096Mb DDR2 ECC Memory - 2 x 500Gb 7200RPM SATAII with 3Ware Hardware RAID 0/1 £115/Month + VAT £50 Setup + VAT Dedicated 200 Package - 2 x Intel Quad Core 2.5Ghz Harpertown 12Mb Cache - 8192Mb DDR2 ECC Memory - 3 x 500Gb 7200RPM SATAII with 3Ware Hardware RAID £250/Month + VAT £125 Setup + VAT Optional Upgrades - Additional 1024Mb Memory - £5/Month + VAT - Permanent KVM over IP Access - £10/Month + VAT - Dedicated hardware firewalls from £75/Month + VAT - Network Attached Storage from £1/Gb + VAT - Windows 2003 Server Standard - £10/Month + VAT - cPanel/WHM with Fantastico - £15/Month + VAT For more information or to order please visit our website:

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