$29.95 /month - Fully 独立 ***Perfect for Developers and Those New to 服务器s

Less than most pay for a 1/2 tank of gas, ONLY $29.95 /MONTH!!! No gimmicks, no strings, just a crazy deal from serveraday.com (brought to you by OLM.net)- A Company who has been hosting dedicated servers, and who has a rock solid network for almost 12 years... Here's what you get: - Celeron 2.4GHz OR BETTER!!! - 512MB DDR RAM - 80GB IDE Hard Drive - 2500 GB Bandwidth - FREE SITEmadeEASY Control Panel What else is included? - Choice of OS - Un-Managed - Cisco Powered Network - Blazing Fast Uplinks - APC Battery Backups - Diesel and Natural Gas Generators - 24/7 Hands and Eyes - FM200 Dry Fire Suppression - Multiple Bandwidth Providers - Scalable Upgrades - 99.9% Proven Uptime - Liebert and APC HVAC - Hardware Guarantee - Secure Data Center - Server Ping Monitoring CLICK HERE for more information and to order - As of this posting there are 9 of these servers left in our inventory. When they're gone, they're gone.

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