IGSOBE: 33% off 优惠 code, DualCore@3GHZ/300GBx2/2GB 内存-under $100! & VMWare VPS's!

Check out the VPS and Colocation boards for more great deals! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Internet Gateway of South Beach - Dedicated Servers, VMWare VPS, & Colocation. Company Webpage - http://www.igsobe.com 866.924.0586 - Sales & Support (Toll Free) 866.924.0587 - Fax Number (Toll Free) 305.890.1513 - Sales & Support (Miami Local) support@igsobe.com - Sales & Support (Email Ticketing) http://support.igsobe.com - Helpdesk System (Web/Chat Support) Chat Support: AIM - igsobehelper Chat Support: Yahoo - igsobehelper Chat Support: MSN - support@igsobe.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ In September 2008, we faced every nerd's nightmare - having too much of a good thing. We committed to a whole cabinet in our data center because we know that size matters - unfortunately, we only have a measly 20U's of space in use. We ask *you* to become our customer - remember: waste not, want not. Right? Right! Now, go lease a few dozen servers, colocation spaces, and VPS machines (while these prices last!). ------------------------- If you've got a few extra dollars, we'd prefer them in our pocket, not yours. Use the coupon code --> SEPTEMBER