[Hostprime.net] Windows Xen KVM just 10$/month

Im from Hostprime.net international hosting devision of Web4Studio enterprise, we run bussiness over 3 years and we keep growing with the values we had on the first start: Good Service Quality Fast connections and multiple locations Prompt Response in critical situations. We are ofhering in netherlands location the choice of hosting you for cheap, Xen KVM allows you to choice over Windows or Linux fully virtualized and kernel independent to run your own costumized kernel's and programs. We are giving away like water: 1GB DEDICATED RAM 1CPU CORE 50GB DISK SPACE 1GBPS SHARED 1 IP Unrated Data transfer ( above of 1TB we downgrande BW line ) Just for 10$/month NODE SPECS: 2 x Xeon Quad 32GB RAM 2TB DISKSPACE 1GBPS DEDICATED To order go here For any help you may need you can contact our sales on our website, http://hostprime.net

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