Quad Core Phenom 2.3Ghz, 4GB 内存, 320GB HD, 2000GB BW! Only $119/month!

Quad Core Phenom 2.3Ghz, 4GB RAM, 320GB HD, 2000GB BW! Only $119/month! We are offering another great promotion this week on the following Quad Core server.AMD Quad Core Phenom 2.3Ghz 4GB RAM 320GB Hard Drive 2000GB Transfer 5 IP Addresses New York Datacenter $139/month + $25 Setup Fee Network Providers: Global Crossing, Level3, Sprint, Cogent If you are interested in this fantastico deal, signup using the link below!CLICK HERE TO ORDER Our website: www.thenynoc.com __________________The New York NOC Inc. - Phone: 1-866-NYNOC80www.thenynoc.com - Join our community! Premium Network -- DDOS Protection Dedicated Servers / Managed Colocation

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