Dual Core E2180, 1GB 内存, 80GB HD, 1.5TB 流量 - $69.99/month!! 纽约 服务器s!

We have a few servers available so this is first come first serve. The order link can be found below: E2180 Dual Core Processor 1GB RAM 80GB HD 1.5TB Transfer 5 IP Addresses $69.99/month - No Contract Order link: Click Here (http://thenynocportal.com/cart.php?a=add&pid=269) Network Providers: Level3, Global Crossing, Sprint, Cogent IP To Ping: Test file download: http://thenynoc.com/100MB.bin cPanel/WHM: + $40/month Directadmin: + $20/month Win2k3 Std: + $30/month Thank you

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