[UK/US]Curvehost - Solusvm vps from $3.99/month - Instant Setup

Curvehost is currently offering it's UK & US VPS packages at extremely low prices, these packages are subject to avaliabilty so act fast to avoid disappointment. - UK/US based - Unmanaged - Instant set-up - Instant reboots and reinstalls - 99.9% Uptime Guarantee - OpenVZ Virtualization - SolusVM control panel - 24/7 Ticket Support Bronze 256MB Guaranteed Ram 512MB Burstable Ram 50GB Disk Space 1000GB Bandwidth 1 ip UK - $4.99/month US - $3.99/month Silver 512MB Guaranteed Ram 786MB Burstable Ram 100GB Disk Space 1000GB Bandwidth 1 ip $7.99/month UK - ORDER NOW US - ORDER NOW Gold 786MB Guaranteed Ram 1024MB Burstable Ram 150GB Disk Space 1000GB Bandwidth 1 ip $9.99/month UK - ORDER NOW US - ORDER NOW Titanium 1024MB Guaranteed Ram 1536MB Burstable Ram 200GB Disk Space 2000GB Bandwidth 1 ip $11.99/month UK - ORDER NOW US - ORDER NOW Operating Systems: CentOS Suse Debian Fedora Ubuntu Additional ips $1.50/month If you have any questions please feel free to send me an email admin@curvehost.com or submit a sales Ticket at our helpdesk. Have a good day!

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