IGSoBE: Single/Dual CPU's - $19.95/mo for the first 90 days (No Setup + Monthly Bill)

IGSoBE: Single/Dual CPU's - $19.95/mo for the first 90 days (No Setup + Monthly Bill) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Internet Gateway of South Beach - Website - http://www.igsobe.com 866.924.0586 - Sales ie: we have been contacted by a legitimate 3rd party for copyright, spam, or other abuse issues (and) will forward this information to you. That is the ONLY exception to this offer. * Telephone Support - we're not afraid to talk to you. You will either get a live human (one of three, in fact!) answering the phone or a fast return call if contacted by our answering service. We have combined experience of over 15 years, with certifications such as: Microsoft, Cisco, Comptia, Linux, etc. Since we're available 24/7 on call in case of issues, if you can't sleep due to a server problem, we won't either! * Chat Room Support / Instant Messenger Support / Helpdesk Email/Web Tickets - Whatever format you prefer to contact us in, we want to hear from you. We even have a fax number to keep in touch with a low speed network of copy machines tied together via analog 9600 baud modems - technology from the past. * Quality Datacenter - BGP 4 Routing under AS# 15083 with Tier-1 Connections to Level3, Global Crossing, and Cogent.http://www.igsobe.com/speedtest/ or * 24/7 onsite support ensures you won't be ignored in case of a server failure at 3AM. 24/7 Staffed Security, Redundant Network
