[UK] Dell 1U 服务器 - Dual CPU - 4GB Ram - Choice of OS - from £49.00 Month!!

Cyber Host Pro Ltd www.cyberhostpro.com UK Tel: 0845 527 9345 US Tel: 214-234-1606 Very short of stock, once there gone, there gone! Our servers are hosted in Manchester (UK) OS Choices: CentOS, Windows 2003 / Windows 2008 Choose your diskspace Choose your memory/ram Choose your addons Click here: https://billing.cyberhostpro.com/cart.php?a=add&pid=153 To discuss a UK dedicated server, Feel free to click Live chat on the right hand side of our website or call us to discuss more. Servers are setup usually within 3 days, We will first contact you to see how many IPs you need. Note: We do high fraud checks We do not allow P2P downloads (ie using server to download from P2P apps such as torrents) We do not allow Proxy Hosting

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