CheapVPS - VPS - Domains - 60% off first month - ONLY 29.99EUR FOR 2GB 内存

THE FIRST PEOPLE PEOPLE ORDERING WITH COUPON 60FIRST WILL GET 60% DISCOUNT ON THE FIRST MONTH! CheapVPS is a company dedicated to bring you QUALITY FOR A CHEAP PRICE. We are giving you the best specs for the cheapest prices, but not only the cheapest prices. We also offer the best overall uplink in Europe, along with top modern hardware and network equipment. The network we are using has 99.999% network uptime and is 100% by Cisco. No worries about lags since each VPS has a guaranteed 100mbit connection. All the servers have the fastest DDR3 memory and are running on double quad-cores. You will get full root access. All servers are delivered within 5 minutes! You can use the server as you like (gameserver, Warez, IRC, Porn, P2P can be used as long it doesn't break Dutch laws, we suggest you write us a notice in when you order). We are selling the following packages: High-end packages
  • Golden package €59.99 Specs: CPU: 2 x Quad Core E5620 RAM: 8GB DDR3 HDD: 1000GB Uplink: 100Mbps Full-Duplex Bandwidth: 8000GB
  • Silver package €44.99 Specs: CPU: 2 x Quad Core E5620 RAM: 4GB DDR3 HDD: 500GB Uplink: 100Mbps Full-Duplex Bandwidth: 4000GB
  • Bronze package €29.99 Specs: CPU: 2 x Quad Core E5620 RAM: 2GB DDR3 HDD: 250GB Uplink: 100Mbps Full-Duplex Bandwidth: 2000GB
Next to VPS’s we are also selling domains. They cost €9.99, except for .us and .eu. Those domains cost €7.99. All the domains have free ID protection (worth €5), so no one will be able to track you by checking out your domain. We currently offer email forwarding for free (Limited, worth €3!), so you can forward to your own email. Our support team is 24/7 available and is well educated. If you would like a custom quote or a custom offer, feel free to contact us via the contact form. Order From: CHEAPVPS - Quality at a CHEAP Price For some reviews:

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