Rock VPS - Rock Solid Linux/ Free BSD VPS Hosting - Plans from $14.95/Month

RockVPS, Inc is a web hosting provider built upon providing affordable and quality Linux and FreeBSD VPS hosting solutions. Our service utilizes Xen virtualization combined with the SolusVM Control Panel and high quality Intel Quad Core servers. These technologies allow us to deliver VPS hosting that is not only easy and reliable but also highly affordable. With over a decade of experience in the industry, we know how to provide our customers with the service they need and keep their hosting expenses low. Our Services Include: - 99.9% Uptime SLA - 100 Mbit Uplink - 1 IP address (additional can be purchased) - Intel Quad Core CPU's - RAID-10 - Redundant Power Supplies Standard VPS Packages: Basic RAM: 512MB Disk: 10GB Bandwidth: 200GB Price: $14.95 (monthly) Semiannually: (10% off) $80.73 Order Bronze RAM: 768MB Disk: 20GB Bandwidth: 400GB Price: $19.95 (monthly) Semiannually: (10% off) $107.73 Order Silver RAM: 1024MB Disk: 40GB Bandwidth: 400GB Price: $29.95 Semiannually: (10% off) $161.73 Order Gold RAM: 2048MB Disk: 60GB Bandwidth: 600GB Price: $59.95 Semiannually: (10% off) $323.73 Order Platinum RAM: 2048MB Disk: 80GB Bandwidth: 800GB Price: $89.95 Semiannually: (10% off) $485.73 Order Learn more about us and our features here

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