PowerEdge 860 Dual 1.8ghz|2gb ram| 250GB Storage | $70 Month

Server Hardware Specs Dell PowerEdge 860 CPU: Intel E2160 Dual 1.8ghz Ram: 2gb (Upgradeable up to 8gb for a reasonable one time fee) Storage: 250GB SATA Hard Drive Two Ethernet Connections to the switch. 5 Usable IP Addresses 1800GB Monthly Transfer Volume with 100mbit connectivity. Your choice of Linux Distro, ESXi, or Windows if you can provide a valid license key. Option for 10mbit un-metered only 10 dollars more monthly! Using Level3 and Cogent bandwidth located in Midwest U.S. (Kansas City) If you are interested feel free to contact myself. I would also be able to offer a discount to anyone monthly that wants to purchase two of these if you were going to run a nice sql,httpd cluster or the like and provide un-metered traffic over the lan between the servers on gigabit speeds. James C Email: support@jchost.net AIM: jcornick78 MSN: jcornick@u2usa.com Thanks and have a great day!

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