£125/Month - Quad Nehalem Xeon 2.66Ghz - Free cPanel 5TB 流量 6Gb 内存, 500Gb HDD

UK Dedicated Servers Ltd have been providing dedicated server solutions and co-location within the UK since 2004. These servers are hosted within the London Docklands though we are able to offer other locations on request. We operate our own BGP v4 network with multiple redundant Juniper routers and Cisco switches. All of our servers come with the following features: 24/7 telephone support 5000Gb Monthly data transfer Instant reboots through APC reboot switches 10 minute guranteed trouble ticket response time Free operating system re-installs Private Subnet/VLAN Dedicated IP allocation Quality components from Supermicro, Kingston, Seagate For a limited signup period we are offering cPanel/WHM with Fantastico addon scripts at no additional cost for the life of your rental. Dedicated 200 Package - Intel Nehalem Xeon 2.66GHz W3520 - Eight Logical CPUs - 6Gb DDR3 1066Mhz Kingston Memory - 1 x 500Gb 7200RPM SATA II Seagate Hard Drive £125/Month + VAT £0 Setup To configure this server please click here: Configure Dedicated 200 Solution Optional Upgrades - Various Memory/RAM Upgrades Available - Upgrade to 2 x 500Gb Drives with 3Ware Hardware RAID Card - £15/Month + VAT - Dedicated hardware firewalls from £50/Month + VAT - Operating System Options: Fedora/Centos/Debian/Ubuntu/Proxmox/2003/2008. For more information or to order please visit our website: UK Dedicated Servers - Dedicated Server Solutions

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