i7 920 - 6GB Ram, 1TB HD, 2TB BW – 149.99/month

We have a few i7 920 available with the following configuration for 149.99/month with no setup fee: - 6GB Ram - 1TB Hard drive - 2TB Bandwith - /29 – 5 usable IP’s - Remote Reboot These servers are located in our rack at Wholesaleinternet which has connections from Cogent and Level3. The following server upgrades are available. All our server upgrades are a one-time fee: - 1TB Hard Drive – 100.00 one-time fee - 6 GB Ram – 100.00 one-time fee These servers support the following operating systems: - CentOS 5.3 - Ubuntu - Esxi U4 - HyperVM w/ OpenVZ Extra IP addresses are .50 cents each. We have been in the hosting business for over 10 years since we started as a reseller for Pair.com in 1997. If you have any questions, or want to order please email sales@kccomputech.com

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