50% OFF! Dual Xeons! Starting @ $50 for the first month!

Until the end of this MONTH, we are running 50% off all current server offerings for the first months of service! Just use coupon code: 50OFF when you checkout, and you will receive 50% off the first months bill! Our network providers are: Level3 PCCW Hurricane Electric nLayer Each server includes 2000GB of network transfer on a 10mbit port. CPU: DUAL INTEL XEON 5160 (3.0 GHZ x 4) MEMORY: 4GB HARD DRIVE: 2X 250GB SATA $150.00 / month [u]FIRST MONTH[u]: $75.00 CLICK TO SIGNUP: https://www.reliablehostingservices....p?a=add&pid=45 CPU: INTEL XEON 5160 (3.0 GHZ x 2) MEMORY: 4GB HARD DRIVE: 320GB SATA $125.00 / month [u]FIRST MONTH[u]: $62.50 CLICK TO SIGNUP: https://www.reliablehostingservices....p?a=add&pid=32 CPU: DUAL INTEL XEON 3.2 (3.2 GHZ x 2) MEMORY: 2GB HARD DRIVE: 640GB SATA $110.00 / month [u]FIRST MONTH[u]: $55.00 CLICK TO SIGNUP: https://www.reliablehostingservices....p?a=add&pid=47 CPU: Dual Intel Xeon 2.8 (2.8 GHZ x 2) MEMORY: 4GB HARD DRIVE: 2x 72GB 10,000 RPM SCSI $110.00 / month [u]FIRST MONTH[u]: $55.00 CLICK TO SIGNUP: https://www.reliablehostingservices....p?a=add&pid=51 CPU: Dual Intel Xeon 2.8 (2.8 GHZ x 2) MEMORY: 2GB HARD DRIVE: 1x 120GB IDE $100.00 / month [u]FIRST MONTH[u]: $50.00 CLICK TO SIGNUP: https://www.reliablehostingservices....p?a=add&pid=52 CPU: Dual Intel Xeon 2.8 (2.8 GHZ x 2) MEMORY: 2GB HARD DRIVE: 1x 72GB 10,000 RPM SCSI $100.00 / month [u]FIRST MONTH[u]: $50.00 CLICK TO SIGNUP: https://www.reliablehostingservices....p?a=add&pid=53 CPU: DUAL INTEL XEON 2.8 MEMORY: 2GB HARD DRIVE: 320GB IDE $100.00 / month [u]FIRST MONTH[u]: $50.00 CLICK TO SIGNUP: https://www.reliablehostingservices....p?a=add&pid=38 CPU: DUAL INTEL XEON 2.8 (2.8 GHZ x 2) MEMORY: 2GB HARD DRIVE: 1x 250GB IDE + 1x 120GB IDE $100.00 / month [u]FIRST MONTH[u]: $50.00 CLICK TO SIGNUP: https://www.reliablehostingservices....p?a=add&pid=39 ADDONS: DIRECT ADMIN: $20 CPANEL: $30 100MBIT PORT: $10 ADD ADDITIONAL 1000GB TRANSFER: $20 OS: These are the common distributions that we use, however if you require a specific distro, please let us know. CentOS 4.x CentOS 5.x Fedora 7.x Fedora 8.x Fedora 9.x Fedora 10.x TEST FILE/IP: FILE: IP: Please let us know if you have any questions! Contacts: http://www.reliablehostingservices.net support@reliablehostingservices.net Phone: 888-693-8309

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