[EU] 独立 服务器s starting from €49 monthly, no setup fee

Benefit from our long standing experience! For more than 10 years at the market, we today rank among Europe's most professional providers in the range of Dedicated Hosting. All Dedicated Servers include the following features: - Various Linux distributions at your choice (CentOS, Debian, OpenSUSE) - 24x7 Support by ticket system - 24x7 free remote reset - 24x7 free rescue system - High-performance Internet connectivity Special offers without setup fee (59 Euro savings)! Basic Servers: Basic Line servers combine high performance with an attractive price. All models are equipped with Intel® mainboards and CPUs as well as with Software RAID. Basic0 - Intel® E3200 (2x 2.4GHz) - 2 GB RAM - 2x 250 GB Hard drive, RAID-1 - 1 TB monthly transfer volume - Contract term: 3 months 49 Euro monthly [Order] Basic1 - Intel® E5200 (2x 2.5 GHz) - 4 GB RAM - 2x 320 GB Hard drive, RAID-1 - 1 TB monthly transfer volume - Contract term: 3 months 59 Euro monthly [Order] Basic2 - Intel® Q8400 (4x 2.33 GHz) - 4 GB RAM - 2x 320 GB Hard drive, RAID-1 - 1 TB monthly transfer volume - Contract term: 3 months 79 Euro monthly [Order] Basic3 - Intel® Q9550 (4x 2.83 GHz) - 4 GB RAM - 2x 320 GB Hard drive, RAID-1 - 1 TB monthly transfer volume - Contract term: 3 months 109 Euro monthly [Order] Professional Servers: The Professional Series offers you first-class server hardware to ensure an optimal availability and performance of your web presence. The servers which come into operation are servers by the manufacturer Supermicro® with Intel® Xeon CPUs, further, we use Hardware RAID controllers by 3ware. Pro1 - Intel® X3330 (4x 2.667 GHz) - 8 GB RAM - 2x 300 GB Hard drive, 10krpm, Velociraptor, RAID-1 - 2 TB monthly transfer volume - Contract term: 3 months 199 Euro monthly [Order] Pro2 - Intel® X3330 (4x 2.667 GHz) - 8 GB RAM - 4x 1000 GB Hard drive, RAID-10 - 2 TB monthly transfer volume - Contract term: 3 months 269 Euro monthly [Order] All prices include 19% VAT. If you domiciled outside the EU or have a valid VAT ID, you won't pay VAT. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to email us info@providerservice.com. Valid till: September 20, 2009

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