[UK] Quad Core 服务器s, 8GB Ram, 500GB Disk - £119/month!

At Vooservers we currently have the following offers available on UK dedicated servers. If you have any questions feel free to contact us by e-mailing sales@vooservers.com or by calling 08458685142. About Vooservers Limited VooServers is a registered private limited company in the United Kingdom. The company was founded in March 2005 to offer numerous internet services not only at affordable prices but with the support that we feel is necessary to accompany the service that our customers receive. Support will always be one of our utmost priorities but we also aim to keep developing the services that we offer to make managing your services easier and hassle free. Server 1 Core 2 Duo E4300 2 x 1.8GHz Cores 2GB DDR2 RAM 80GB SATA Hard Disk 500GB Monthly Bandwidth APC Reboot Port Same Day Setup £44.99/month More Information: http://vooservers.com/ded1.php Server 2 Core 2 Duo E6600 2 x 2.4GHz Cores 2GB DDR2 RAM 80GB SATA Hard Disk 1000GB Monthly Bandwidth APC Reboot Port Same Day Setup £59.99/month More Information: http://vooservers.com/ded2.php Server 3 Quad Core Q8300 4 x 2.5GHz Cores 8GB DDR2 RAM 500GB SATA Hard Disk 1000GB Monthly Bandwidth APC Reboot Port Same Day Setup £119.99/month More Information: http://vooservers.com/ded3.php

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