Using one of the best networks for Asia Pacific area at 50% discount price

Really one of the best networks for Asia Pacific are? Sure! Our network includes PCCW, NTT, that are very strong in Asia Pacific area. Many of our customers in Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand, Singapore, Australia, etc. can prove that. Also, having Level(3) and Integra Telecom in the mix will help you to get very good network performance for the rest of the world. Now, our VPS offer - Powered by Citrix Xen server - 1 core CPU - 1GB dedicated RAM - 80GB raid10 HDD - 2000GB transfer/month - CentOS + DirectAdmin control panel * - 2 IP addresses - price: $40/month only * There is no hidden charge. You pay $40/month, get above setup. Simple! Get your VPS now. Any question, drop us a message at We shall be glad to answer. * Notes - This promotion is applied for new customers only - Servers are located in Seattle area, USA - Windows OS is available at the same cost. We can install Website Panel for free of charge IP for testing: Thank you!

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