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Eleven2 has been providing premium hosting since 2003. We're designers, developers, musicians, movie makers, business owners, writers, photographers, and oh so much more. We are just like each one of you. In 2003, out of a dire need for a company who actually cared more about their customers and their world than they did about being the company that cared solely about its dividends, Eleven2 was birthed. Dedicated Server Configurations: Unleaded 512 MB Memory 30 GB Storage 1500 GB Bandwith - e2Panel 1 CPU Core Virtual Server (OpenVZ) Only $48 per month! Order here Premium Intel Core2Duo - 2GB DDR2 Memory 2 x 250 GB Storage - 3000 GB Bandwith Offsite Backups - 24/7 Premium Support Only $178 per month! Order here Diesel Intel 2x Quad Core Xeon - 4GB DDR2 Memory 4 x 500 GB Storage - 5000 GB Bandwith Offsite Backups - 24/7 Premium Support Only $378 per month! Order here Included Features with all Dedicated Purchase! QUALITY SERVER GRADE HARDWARE CENTOS 5.3 I386 OR X86_64 5 IP ADDRESSES W/PRIVATE VLAN 100MBIT NETWORK UPLINK CUSTOM APACHE/PHP/MYSQL BUILD CPANEL 11 W/E2PANEL FANTASTICO + RVSKIN FREE ACCOUNT MIGRATIONS NO SETUP FEES - NO CONTRACT 24X7 PROACTIVE MONITORING DEDICATED SUPPORT TEAM DEDICATED ACCOUNT MANAGER ROOT ACCESS - FULLY MANAGED FREE WHMCS Purchase a Dedicated Configuration today and we'll offer you your 2nd month free!

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