流量ing ownership for intel i7, 12Gb 内存 - $94.95 per month

It seems that I haven't planned my business properly and I have to close it down. I'm transferring my ownership of this dedicated server to anyone who's interested: Intel Core i7 920 (Quad core w/ HT support) 12 GB DDR3 1333 Memory 250 GB SATA Hard Drive 5 IP Addresses 10 MBPS Unmetered or 100 MBPS / 6,000 GB (3,000 IN and 3,000 OUT) Free PLESK 30 Domain License - Windows or Linux Server Location: United States It's basically the $94.95 per month offer but I also added 12Gb of RAM for a one time fee of $170. Volumedrive has been very good to me. If you want to find out more about their fanatic support just search this forum. The server currently has a basic LAMP centos 5.4, but you can always ask them for a free reload of the operating system and start fresh (usually takes an hour or so) The server was up on 1st of October, so 2 months have passed and I payed in advance for 6 months. ------------------ What I want for it ? The remaining 4 months ($95 x 4) plus the $170 fee for the RAM. Total: $550 transfered through Paypal. I never done this before, so if you want to make sure that I'm really a client of volumedrive just PM me and I will send you all the needed information, including validation from volumedrive that I'm the real owner of the server. Thank you.

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