JCHost Dedicate 服务器 Offers

Dell PowerEdge 860 Intel C2D E6600 4GB RAM 3Ware Hardware Raid1, 128MB cache, 2x750GB 32mb Cache on each drive. 1 IP (each additional .50 cents each) 2000GB Monthly Transfer on 100mbit burst. $75/month Intel C2D E6600 2GB Ram 2x160GB SATA 7200RPM HD (software raid or seperate drives) 1 IP (each additional .50 cents each) 2000GB Monthly Transfer 0n 100mbit burst. $60/month We are located in Kansas City on Cogent and Level3 Bandwidth. We will be adding HE.net bandwidth next month and full IPV6 support at that time as well. If interested contact James at support@jchost.net, or AIM: jcornick78. Thank you for your time.

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