Have you been to UNIXy lately? We think you should because a free 服务器 is waiting!

Folks, As a business, UNIXy is growing and growing! We have dropped prices on ALL Fully Managed Servers by more than half! This includes Nehalem, Harpertown, and Clovertown servers. Have you heard about our fully managed Bargain Bin servers? Fully managed doesn't get any cheaper or better than this! And here's for today's special: Get a FREE, no obligation or purchase necessary, server for LIFE! We've embedded a script in one of our pages that produces an alphanumeric string. If you happen to be visiting our Website when the alphanumeric string displays, then you know you've won a Fully Managed Server! Here's the catch: you must report your win by posting an entry in this thread to qualify. Browse away: http://www.unixy.net Happy browsing and make it a GREAT weekend! Cheers, Joe / UNIXY

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