AFFORDABLE QUALITY DEDICATED SERVERS! We have 15 years of experience in hosting business and offer quality and affordable dedicated servers from our own Data Center. To learn more about it click here: Here is shortly what we can offer: 20 Mb/s Redundant Unmetered Server for $ 200.00/Mo. 2 redundant unmetered 10Mb/s networks are included. 250+ GB drive, 2+ Ghz CPU, 1+ GB RAM. 100 Mb/s Unmetered Server for $ 500.00/Mo. Second Network (extra $50 per month - can be used only for redundancy) 250+ GB drive, 2+ Ghz CPU, 1+ GB RAM. 200 Mb/s Redundant Unmetered Server for $ 1000.00/Mo. 2 redundant unmetered 100Mb/s networks are included 250+ GB drive, 2+ Ghz CPU, 1+ GB RAM For more details please visit: Or directly contact us: Phone: +1(404)584-5035 ext:216 AOL IM: VasoVPS 55 Marietta Street Suite 1740 Atlanta, GA 30303, USA Cloud VPS Hosting Team

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