URGENT: 640GB Space / 4Gb Ram - Only $89/mo.

Hello, I'm currently selling one of my servers which is hosted at iWeb. Here are the specs: Proc: 1.6 Pentium E RAM: 4096 Mb HD: 2 x 320 SATA Motherboard: P5K-VM Port: 10Mbps Uplink - Included Support: Managed Level 1 - Included OS: Enterprise Linux - CentOS - Included Control panel: Apache-Php-Mysql-Qmail-Ftp-Ssh - Included KVM: KVM Over IP on demand over a 24 hours period - Included It will cost only $89/per month and $0 setup fees for you. Should you need any support, our server administrator will always be there to help you. Contact me at info [@] webhosting.am to make the deal.

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