[Turkey] 独立 resource VDS. Online power management. From 24,99$/mo.

Hello, I'm glad to let you know that we have launched a new node in our Turkey location for the VDS service. Please find the plans below; - 1 Core CPU Usage 3,40 Ghz. (Intel Xeon E3-1270) - 512 MB DDR3 Memory - 20 GB 15,000RPM SAS Disk Space - 500 GB Premium Bandwidth - 1 IP Address - Online Power Control and Resource Watching from Client Area. (click here to see SS) - CentOS Operating System - vmWARE ESXI Virtualization Platform * Please ask a PM for a test IP. Price: 24,99$/mo. Looking for more bigger plans? Please CLICK HERE to proceed for our order system. Thank you for reading. Vincent.

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