RackPowered: OVH Reseller - i7-920 with 8GB DDR3 -> 72EUR/mo. No set up fees!

Hello everyone! RackPowered is proud to announce that for a limited time, we are selling the i7-2T model of OVH for 72EUR/mo, with NO SET UP FEES! That means you will be paying the lowest price in the OVH Reselling market, and also you will avoid paying any extra fee. Here are the specs: Processor: Intel i7-920 Memory: 8GB DDR3 Hard Disk: 2x1TB HDD RAID0/1 SwitchPort: 100Mbps Transfer: Unlimited* IPs: 1 Main IP + 3 FailOver OVH Manager Access Price: 72EUR/mo. NO SET UP FEES! * = Traffic is unlimited. If you exceed 3 TB / month connection will be limited to 10 Mbps. If you would like to purchase one of these servers please contact me at malakai@rackpowered.co.uk quoting i7SALE. Best Regards, Malakai Whitston www.RackPowered.co.uk

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