[UK] Quad Core 8GB Ram with Free Setup from £74.99/month!

At Vooservers we currently have the following offers available on UK dedicated servers. If you have any questions feel free to contact us by e-mailing sales@vooservers.com or by calling 0845 868 5142. About Vooservers Limited VooServers was founded in March 2005 and has since been offering a range of services including dedicated servers, co-location, online backup, virtual private servers and web hosting to a range of personal and enterprise clients. Vooservers utmost priority has and always will be customer support to ensure our customers get the most out of our services. Now in its 6th year of business VooServers has recently heavily invested in enhancing our services upgrading our network to use Cisco and HP kit alongside our new agreement with Dell for server grade dedicated servers. We have also increased our number of full time staff primarily in our technical support department to continue supporting our services to the highest level possible. Special Offer: For a £25 monthly discount off our server 3 package, please enter QUAD25 as a promotion code on the order form. Server 1 Core 2 Duo E4300 2 x 1.8GHz Cores 2GB DDR2 RAM 80GB SATA Hard Disk 2000GB Monthly Bandwidth APC Reboot Port Same Day Setup £44.99/month More Information: http://vooservers.com/dedicated-servers/ Server 2 Core 2 Duo E6600 2 x 2.4GHz Cores 2GB DDR2 RAM 80GB SATA Hard Disk 2000GB Monthly Bandwidth APC Reboot Port Same Day Setup £59.99/month More Information: http://vooservers.com/dedicated-servers/ Server 3 Quad Core Q8300 4 x 2.5GHz Cores 8GB DDR2 RAM 500GB SATA Hard Disk 2500GB Monthly Bandwidth APC Reboot Port Same Day Setup £99.99/month £74.99/month with QUAD25 code! More Information: http://vooservers.com/dedicated-servers/

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