Fully Managed 独立 服务器 $75 & up + 20% off and more!

We currently have FIVE models of dedicated servers from $75 to $129.95 per month on sale PLUS we have a super Autumn Sale of 20% off your entire order! These five models are all available configured to your specifications as far as control panel, Apache or LiteSpeed... Fantastico or Softaculous; ALL RvSkin offerings ( from skins to complete with site builder. You name it...like any other major hosting provider we have everything people want in today's hosting market. Whether you are looking for a "starter" server at $75 mo. to keep prices lower than some VPS plans we have servers all the way to the latest in dual-quad Xeons (server version of the new Intel "Nehalem") with SAS drives, SCSI RAID arrays, you name it we can custom configure anything from one of our 5 inexpensive sale models all the way to the latest screaming fast, newest technology "Super Server". You'll find tons of options on our site but every server including the $75 starter servers, can be configured with added RAM disc arays like you want them, the type size & speed or if you want Solid State for screaming fast, if you don't see it do a quick like chat or phone call describing your exact wishes and you'll get a price for your "dream" server configured just like you want it..... ALL OUR SERVERS ARE:

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