Swiftway European and USA 服务器 - best quality - managed and unmanaged

Swiftway, a leading European provider, offers the following dedicated server deals in the Netherlands and the USA. Swiftway us using some of the best connected dedicated hosting facilities in the world. By connecting to multiple backbones, Swiftway's data can be distributed through many sources. This architectural design also means that we are not dependent upon any single Internet backbone. Thus when problems occur, we are able to reroute traffic automatically, thereby ensuring the integrity of our network and continued access for our high-speed dedicated server clients. We have taken the term "multi-homing" to a whole new level. Our unmetered packages are guaranteed dedicated unmetered 24x7 The servers below are all with guaranteed dedicated unmetered bandwidth. You can use the full port 24x7. The ports are not shared. Below servers are unmanaged but have a full management option (Euro 50,00 / month) . If you require advanced IDS, Firewall and/or load balancing solutions - Swiftway can help. All servers are owned by Swiftway, we are not reselling for a third party. Test IP Speedtest 100 mbit http://speedtest.swiftway.net Special BARGAIN offers with 100 mbit dedicated unmetered ! Limited stock! gone is gone! location: the Netherlands, Europe ====================================== NL WHT1 - €139 per month Payment month to month. ======================================* Dell server * Quad Core Xeon X3220 2,4Ghz 2x4MB, 1066Mhz FSB * 8 GB DDR2 Internal memory * 2 x 1000 GB SATA II 7,200rpm * No Raid * KVM/IP port * Remote reboot port * Various OS installations available * 100 megabit dedicated unmetered * 5 Free IP addresses in own subnet and VLAN * Activation within 1 business day as long as we have stock! * Mail sales@swiftway.co.uk to order this server * Location: Netherlands Full management + € 50,00 / month

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