$49 / month Radiostorm.com Unmetered 流量 CYBER MONDAY SPECIAL!

Howdy! There is only one of these servers at this price so act fast to seal this deal! During this temporary promotion I'll waive the setup fee. WebHostingTalk PROMOTION - Dedicated1 (1 Available) - Dell PowerEdge 650 Intel CPU: Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.06GHz RAM: 1 GB ECC Hard Drives: 1 x 160 GB Bandwidth: 10 Mbit Dedicated PREMIUM tier Port Speed: 100 Mbps Port Operating System: CentOS 5.5 Linux Dell DRAC III/XT for easy remote management and self reboots Servers are all in our private rack in Colo4Dallas This is a secret deal not listed on our website, just here for Web Hosting Talk members, so use this URL to place your order on our SSL encrypted website: http://secure.radiostorm.com/secure/...?a=add&pid=150 Price is $49 per month with no setup fee.

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