$20.12/yr Special VPS Hosting offer!! *Limited*

We're making an extremely limited number of our neo-1 VPS hosting account packages available for just $20.12/yr in preperation for our ten year anniversary coming up next month. This offer is not listed on our website and will sell out quickly. Our neo-1 VPS package includes: 128MB Dedicated DDR3 Ram 128MB Swap 5 GB Raid10 Enabled Disk Space 200 GB Bandwidth Xen Based VPS for maximum reliability Full root Access 1 Dedicated IP Address Unmanaged Normal price for this package is $6.95/mo. We've never done such a heavily discounted promotion and quantities will be limited so act now! Using code "neosurge10yrwht" will lower the price from $83.40 to $20.12. Place your order through: https://neosurge.com/clients/cart.php?gid=31 In addition to this discount, VPS upgrades under this plan can be had at a discount of 50% off the normal pricing for the lifetime of the plan by opening a helpdesk ticket. You can contact me directly via IM (contacts listed at the top of this post) or through the helpdesk at https://neosurge.com/clients/

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