ErrantWeb || KVM/OpenVZ In Michigan || Metro-Detroit

Test IP: Location: Troy, MI Network: Level(3), XO, Comcast Business Class Virtualization: We currently offer KVM VPS services, and OpenVZ VPS services, both have different strengths and weaknesses. KVM: KVM will offer a fully virtualized service where you can choose from a list of ISOs to load as a CD into your server, from there you can complete a install. The kernel will also be run on your server. OpenVZ: OpenVZ offers you a simple vps where you can choose from a list of templates from CentOS, Debian, Ubuntu, Etc. The OS is instantly installed and you do not have the kernel running on your vps. However Ram and HardDrive increases and no decreases will be instant on this service. To view our KVM Plans go to: Price ranges from $4/m with our standard KVM plans. To view our OpenVZ Plans go to: Price ranges from $1.75/m with our custom plan maker. $5/m from standard plans. ErrantWeb has been offering web solutions since our launch in January of 2012, we strive to provide the best service possible to our clients and to make them happy with everything that we do. If you have any questions for us you can email us at: For custom quotes please email: We will quote you on KVM, OpenVZ, Shared, or Reseller Hosting. You may even ask us about colocation or dedicated servers.

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