ScarabWeb Since 2003 | 50% OFF | Free cPanel/WHM | Free Windows OS | One Month Free

ScarabWeb offers many dedicated servers from budget to enterprise servers all to a very affordable prices. Our servers are located in Ohio, USA and our datacenter features state of the art technology. Our Network features top tier one providers such as Verizon, Level3, Savvis, Sprint and more. All our Servers have Semi-Managed (monitoring, reboot - view below for more information) included and we offer a 100% managed addon for a very low rate. Are you worried about moving your existing Server/hosting account to us? DON'T worry, we will handle the migration of your existing server/hosting account to your new ordered Dedicated Server for FREE! All our Servers can be customized and you easily can add memory, second cpu, bigger drives, and more at the ordering wizard! [* Current Specials * ]

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