[NL] Dell SC1435 dual Opteron 2.6ghz, 8GB 内存, 1TB traffic: from €65 pm!

On behalf of Yisp.nl i can offer you the following dedicated servers: Dell SC1435 2x AMD Opteron 2218HE 2.6GHz 8GB Ram 500GB SATA disk 1Gbit uplink 1TB traffic €65 p.m. (12 months) €70 p.m. (6 months) €75 p.m. (3 months) €79 p.m. No setup costs! Order: http://cis.yisp.nl/cart.php?a=add&pid=29 Automated reinstalls, traphic statistics and remote reboots through our customer panel! Extra's Extra 2GB RAM: €10 Extra 4GB RAM: €20 Extra 8GB RAM: €40 Extra 12GB RAM: €60 Hardware RAID card: €15 Extra 500GB disk: €5 1TB disk: €7.50 1TB extra traffic: €39 4TB extra traffic: €125 100GB overusage: €9 Windows server 2008 web: €12.50 Fully managed: €39 DirectAdmin: €7.50 Cpanel: €29 IP: €1 (1 included and ipv6 €0!) Network and Datacenter Alphen aan de Rijn, The Netherlands. Test IP: Test IP (ipv6): 2a00:dd0:0:6::2 Comments Prices are excluding 19% VAT (only for EU customers without a VAT id). Contact For questions or custom quotes please mail us: info ("at") yisp.nl

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