XenSpeed.net - OpenVZ OVH/ XEN NL VPS/ Offer from $3.00 (FR,NL)*double RESOURCES

XenSpeed.net - OpenVZ OVH/ XEN NL VPS/ Offer from $3.00 (FR,NL)*double RESOURCES XenSpeed.net - OpenVZ OVH/ XEN NL VPS Offer from $3.00 (FR,NL)*double RESOURCES Are you searching for a Affordable, Reliable and secure Hosting provider? If so, XenSpeed is perfect for you! XenSpeed focuses on providing you with fast, secure and hassle free hosting solutions. We provide a wide range of Hosting Services to meet your needs either for your personal website or your business website. You can be sure your data is safe at all times. Our Uptime guarantee ensures your service up at all times whether its day or night. ----------------------------------------------------------------NB: just open ticket after you order and will double you space ,ram,bandwidth ++++++++++++++ XenSpeed open vz ovh offer (france) ++++++++++++++ vps small1 hard 25gb ram 256 mb 1ip band 1000gb price 3usd/month order here vps small2 hard 50gb ram 512mb band 2000gb price 5usd/month order here vps small 3 hard 75gb ram 1024mb bandwidth unmetered price 9usd/month order here mid1 hard 100gb ram 1536gb bursteable 2048mb band unmetered price 14usd/month order here XEN vps /nl on 1GIGS vps small1 hard 25gb ram 256 mb 1ip band 1000gb price 4usd/month order here vps small2 hard 50gb ram 512mb band 2000gb price 7usd/month order here vps small 3 hard 75gb ram 1024mb bandwidth unmetered price 11usd/month order here mid1 hard 100gb ram 1536gb bursteable 2048mb band unmetered price 15usd/month order here TEST LINK Super Offer VPS on 1gigs --------------------- XS NL-Offer on 1gigs HDD 400GB RAM 3072GB Burst 6144GB Bandwidth unmetered 4 Core CPU $125 /year order here US Windows VPS 1 (4 Available) 50GB HDD 512MB RAM Unmetered Bandwidth 2 Core CPU Windows XP 32bit Monthly - $7.00 Quarterly - $21.00 Semi-Annually - $42.00 Annually - $84.00 order here US Windows VPS 2 (4 Available) 75GB HDD 768MB RAM Unmetered Bandwidth 3 Core CPU Windows XP 32bit Monthly - $10.00 Quarterly - $30.00 Semi-Annually - $60.00 Annually - $120.00 order here UK Windows VPS 1 (3 Available) 100GB HDD 512MB RAM 500GB Bandwidth 2 Core CPU Windows XP 32bit Monthly - $5.00 Quarterly - $15.00 Semi-Annually - $30.00 Annually - $60.00 order here UK Windows VPS 2 (3 Available) 150GB HDD 1024MB RAM 750GB Bandwidth 3 Core CPU Windows XP 32bit Monthly - $7.00 Quarterly - $21.00 Semi-Annually - $42.00 Annually - $84.00 order here special Offer -------------- Buy VPS for 6 month and get another 6 month for free.(open ticket after order) Buy VPS for 1 Year and get the second year for free. We accept payments via 2CheckOut (Paypal / Credit Card) Also become a fan of XenSpeed.net on Facebook & Twitter and receive exclusive promotions. -------------------------- XenSpeed Facebook Page XenSpeed Twitter Page -------------------------- ======================================= Website - http://xenspeed.net/ Term of service http://xenspeed.net/terms-of-service/ Email - *support at xenspeed dot net*

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