[DE] End Of Year Special: Core2 Quad, 4 GB, 1 TB HDD, 10 TB 流量: 49€/m

Benefit from our long standing experience! For more than 10 years at the market, we today rank among Europe's most professional providers in the range of Dedicated Hosting. All dedicated servers include the following features: - High-performance Internet connectivity (Test IP: - Various Linux distributions at your choice (CentOS, Debian, OpenSUSE, Ubuntu) - 24x7 Support by ticket system - 24x7 free remote reset - 24x7 free rescue system - 24x7 free re-installation Special offer without setup fee! Only 5 servers available. Unmanaged Server Green2 - Intel® Core2 Quad Q8300 (4x 2.5GHz) - 4 GB RAM - 1x 1 TB Hard drive - 10 TB monthly transfer volume - Contract term: 1 month €49 monthly (€41.17 excl. VAT) * [Order] * Prices include 19% VAT. If you domiciled outside the EU or have a valid VAT ID, you won't pay VAT. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to email us info@providerservice.com.

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