JCHost.net - Massive Web服务器/VPS 服务器

We are selling a pretty beefy setup here specs are listed below and come in as one package. If you run a large website that is storage intensive this would be great for you. Dell PowerEdge 860 Server Q6600 CPU 8GB Ram 2x400GB Internal Hard Drives SATA External SCSI Attached Storage: Dell PowerVault 220s 16 x 73gb 10k U320 SCSI Drives in Raid10 (approx 580GB Usable Space) Dual Channel U320 SCSI Controller If you need ultra fast storage this is the server for you it will leave SSD's in the dust. We are willing discuss IP needs and bandwidth usage needs at competitive rates on this server with anyone that is interested and can offer gig burstable connections if needed. Due to the nature of the hardware we are not posting a price here, but if you are interested please contact me below using any of the methods. We do not respond to PM's on this forum but will promptly respond with any methods below. Thank you for your time. Email: sales@jchost.net AIM: jcornick78 MSN Messenger: jcornick@u2usa.com YAHOO Messenger: corniccc

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