-- 100meg Unmetered Quad Core X3460, 8gb ram, 4x500gb drives $219 / mo

Hi Everyone! is currently running a special on a limited supply of Unmetered Xeon Quad Core Servers: Xeon X3460 (2.8ghz, Quad Core with hyperthreading and turbo boost) 8GB DDR3 ram 4x500gb Western Digital Hard Drives (software raid available) Supermicro motherboard and chassis Unmetered bandwidth: 10 mbps: $149 / mo 100 mbps: $219 / mo Cpanel: $30 extra IPs: up to 8 free with justification Servers are semi-managed, meaning we'll help with a wide variety of problems you might have that an unmanaged host wouldn't help you with (such as server migrations, performance optimization, troubleshooting and so on), on a best-effort basis. We have a limited supply of these servers, so once they're gone, they're gone. Test IP: Test URL: Terms of Service: FAQ: Servers are located in the state of the art PhoenixNap facility in Phoenix, AZ. To order or ask us any questions, please email (support [at] or contact me directly: Gabriel Ramuglia email: gabe [at] skype: funkywizard phone: 702-482-8064 -- We also have other servers and VPS's available, see our previous sales threads (search for IOFLOOD). If you need anything custom, we'd be happy to quote you for it!

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