Dual Core 独立 服务器s from: € 29,- p/month

Dear WHT members, Green Choice - Hosting & Server Solutions is an internet service provider with the focus on Dedicated Servers, Server Colocation, Rack Housing, Datacenter Suites, and other services for the professional market. Green Choice - Hosting & Server Solutions servers and colocations suites are all located in the Easynet (Amsterdam) & TCN (Groningen) Datacenter. Our technical support is housed in the our Datacenter POP Alkmaar so we can deliver the fastest support possible. Green Choice - Hosting & Server Solutions is the proprietor of a first-class network that offers a bandwidth of more than 10 Gbps, spread out over our Datacenter's all over The Netherlands. This way, Green Choice - Hosting & Server Solutions enables companies around the world to create and continue their online presence in a simple and affordable manner. At the moment we can offer these special promo's, if you would like to order one of these servers please send us a e-mail. Dedicated Server: WHT-DHAWM5H5 CPU: DUAL CORE RAM: 2048MB HDD: 500GB IPS: 2x IPv4 + /64 IPv6 UPLINK: 100Mbit/s TRAFFIC: 2000GB p/month € 29,- per month *[only with payment per year, pay per month price: € 42,-]* Order now: sales [@] gc-hosting.nl Dedicated Server: WHT-PWUZ3BFB CPU: DUAL CORE RAM: 2048MB HDD: 500GB IPS: 2x IPv4 + /64 IPv6 UPLINK: 10Mbit/s TRAFFIC: unmetered € 69,- per month Order now: sales [@] gc-hosting.nl Company: Baart de la Faillestraat 50 9713 JG - Groningen Groningen The Netherlands +31 20 26 21 69 5 sales [@] gc-hosting.nl supportdesk[@] gc-hosting.nl Network: * 99.999 % Network Core Uptime * 100% Cisco Network * Redundante Core Routering | Cisco CRS-1 * Multiple 10GigE transit and peering uplinks * Transit Providers: Level3, Telia Sonera, Global Crossing, Tata Telecommunications, Deutsche Telekom, Cogent * Internet exchanges: AMS-IX, LINX, DE-CIX, and 15 other in Europe and US, multiple private peers * Full IPv6 support with native connectivity

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