ReadyMakers Virtual 独立 服务器 ( VDS ) From 15 € Per Month

Virtual Dedicated Server (VDS) What is a server? Usually we think that a server is a powerful machine placed in the provider's server room. A server can have several programs running on it for managing requests from remote computers and for example, displaying web-sites. Is that true? Half-and-half. Beside common dedicated servers, there are virtual ones. This type of virtual Dedicated server is a method of dividing a single server machine into multiple servers (VDS) by employing virtual machines. They exist virtually, but have the same functionality as dedicated servers at lower prices. Their main differences is that dedicated servers are more powerful. And you won't be able to use the hardware of the virtual Dedicated server. ReadyMakers VDS are the easiest without adding hardware. ReadyMakers offers Dedicated machines with a wide range of operating systems: Linux and Windows Features and Pricing Virtual Dedicated Servers from our company include the following features: - VDS comes installed with the software and the ISPmanager Lite control panel. - If you need more resources, you can upgrade your package or add required resources. - Free Tech Support is available 24/7 (you can order Server Administration, if necessary). - Need a Customized VDS Package? Contact our Sales department today, and we will create one that will meet your hosting needs! Please note, that the prices and parameters may vary depending on the Data Centers where you server is housed. Unique offer - VDS-Premium ! VDS-Premium is a VDS server that allows you to greatly exceed resource limits on CPU, memory, and disk space. This approach enables your web-scripts to run as quick as possible, so your server will serve more visitors.

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