Looking for the next best thing to a 独立 服务器? VPS plans starting @ $24.95/m

OLM is pleased to announce a new line of Virtual Private Server plans starting as low as $24.95! Our $24.95/month VPS includes 1 GB RAM, 25 GB Disk Space and 1500GB of Bandwidth! Each Virtual Private Server comes with everything a business needs to ensure a fast and secure operating environment. OLM has been hosting Virtual Private Servers for over 10 years and is continually ranked among the top data centers in the industry. OLM understands the importance of keeping costs low and although our Virtual Servers are competitively priced, we are including the following promo code "Save10" to Web Hosting Talk members which will take off an additional 10% monthly! We offer a choice of control panels between Cpanel and Direct Admin at low monthly prices! Please visit www.olm.net/vps for complete details and plan information.

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