独立 服务器 & Class C IP Block - Guaranteed! | $315 /mo | Last 1 Left In Stock!

We currently and for only a limited time are offering and guaranteeing Digitalpoint members an opportunity to have a dedicated server with a full Class C IP Block (256 IP's). We only have 1 server left in stock and it is already configured to use a full class c subnet of IP's. The server hardware specifications are: CentOS 5.4 (Linux) Dual Core E4600 2GB of RAM 160GB Hard Drive 5,000GB of Bandwidth The monthly price for the dedicated/managed server and full Class C IP Block (256 IP's) is $315 a month. Again, offers such as these do not typically last long and will go quick to the first person that is interested. This server is already setup to use the subnet of 256 IP's so they are ready to go, just need to know your hostname. This is a guaranteed chance of having a dedicated/managed server with 256 IP's. ARIN guidelines have increased lately due to the ever decreasing amount of IPV4 IP's that are left. This is our last subnet in our possession currently that is available to those that are interested. This offer is only available to certain forums and it will go quick. If you have any questions, please feel free to let us know by e-mailing us at support@emonsterhost.com. Otherwise, you may call me directly at 1-920-591-0336. Best Regards, Ryan Lunzmann

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