AYKsolutions : 50% off 无限 VPS

We are very happy to announce the roll out of our brand new unmetered Linux hosting packages out of Chicago. Our VPS packages start at just $29.95/mo and come with unmetered bandwidth, up to 100Mbps, so there are no bandwidth overages, ever! All nodes come on fully redundant and RAIDed servers. You will have full SSH root access as well as VPS control panel access where you can reload, restart and do much more with your VM. Check out the full packages here: http://www.ayksolutions.com/vps-hosting.htm. Setup is quick and free migration from your old hosting is provided if you choose Cpanel. These are ideal for those that need something more powerful than shared hosting, but more affordable than a fully dedicated server. Contact us today via email at sales [@] ayksolutions.com and request 50% off with an order of a Linux VPS today for the first month! Enjoy!

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