Offshore Russian 独立 服务器s | Lowest Price Highest Quality

reloadIN is happy to provide the Offshore Russian Servers.We provide modern hi-tech server leasing with a wide range of services. A dedicated server is convenient, when you are engaged in projects of scale requiring a great volume of traffic processor power and disc space. We are trying to provide the best quality hosting at very affordable price, so that everyone can run there business cost effectively. Our Offshore Russian dedicated servers are perfect for all your site needs. Choose the plan that best suits you (NEW SERVERS ADDED) Intel Atom D510 2x166 2Gb 160Gb - $68/month - ORDER NOW Intel P4-2,8Ghz 2Gb 2x160 GB - $80/month - ORDER NOW Intel 1630GP i3-540 3.0Ghz 4Gb 2x500Gb - $184/month - ORDER NOW Intel 1630GP i5-760 3.0Ghz 4Gb 2x500Gb - $206/month - ORDER NOW Intel 1630GP i7-860 2.8 4Gb 2x500Gb - $224/month - ORDER NOW Intel 1530SH C2D 3,0Hz 4Gb 2x500Gb - $180/month - ORDER NOW Intel 1630BRC E5640 2.66Ghz 6Gb 2x500Gb - $310/month - ORDER NOW MORE SERVER PLANS PLEASE CHECK HERE Lots of Server Upgrades available. +2Gb DDR-II – $7.00 +2Gb DDR-III – $10.00 +4Gb DDR-III -$18.00 2x500Gb SATA -> 2x1000Gb SATA – $15.00 +64GB SSD – $18 +128GB SSD – $45 2х500Gb SATA -> 64Gb SSD – FREE 2х500Gb SATA –> 128Gb SSD – $22 RAID 0/1 card (ASR2405/SASWT4I) – $35 SATA HARD DISK -> SSD HARD DISK SSD HARD DISK For Servers available Datacenter Location - Synterra,Russia *Traffic: All connected to 100Mbps Internet, 1Tb of traffic included or true unlimited with 1/5 ratio (dl/ul, for traffic generators). If any Questions or got Custom requirements Please Contact US

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