Hello WHT Members, Abc-Hosters is another great deal on our Linux OpenVZ based VPS plans. Abc-Hosters was started in 2009. Located in the United States with five main datacenters within the United States to provide the best service and support. Our service is offered from: SCRANTON, PA - LOS ANGELES, CA - MIAMI, FL - Chicago, IL - Dallas, TX For all clients that buy a "Linux VPS PACKAGE" from us gets $3 off the the life of the service!!! All you have to do is order the Linux VPS Package you would like to buy and enter the Promotion Code: "SHOWMELUV". This code we give you $3 off the order for the vps and its for the life of your service with us at Abc-Hosters.com. Linux VPS PACKAGE #1 VPS Software: OpenVZ CPU: 1000MHZ GUARANTEED Memory: 512MB GUARANTEED Disk Space: 20GB (RAID BASED CONFIG) Bandwidth: 1000GB/MONTH IP Addresses: 2 (IPv4) + IPv6 Management: BASIC MANAGED DDOS Protection: CISCO™ GUARD Price: $10.00 per month - $7.00 per month with code Order Now or click here the see the rest of our Linux VPS Server Lineup Location: SCRANTON, PA - LOS ANGELES, CA - MIAMI, FL - Chicago, IL - Dallas, TX Visit us at http://www.abc-hosters.com to see the rest of our Linux and Windows VPS lineup. Or contact us via Support Ticket

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