Great Deal: Hetzner 服务器 transfer (10 months remaining)

We have a Hetzner server that we don't need anymore. (The server is from one of the Hetzner's resellers, they accept paypal.) Specs are: Intel Core i7-920 8 GB RAM 10 TB Bandwidth @ 100mbps 2 x 750 GB SATA II HD 5 IP's Fully Managed by the provider. This is paid for a year, so the next payment date is 2013/01/02 Currently this is sold out in Hetzner. It used to have a 49 euro set up and 49 euro per month payment. You can see it here: After 2013/01/02 you can switch the billing to monthly and pay only 44 euros per month. We are looking for 350 euro transfer fee only. So with this fee, you'll get the server already paid for 10 months. (35 euro per month.) You cannot find this price anywhere else. Server has VMWare ESXi installed on it (which is a 25 euro set up fee). To get this server, PM or email to Oktay

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