VPS hosting with cloud technology starting from 11,98 €

Here we present our cloud AND VPS hosting offers - we actiVATe them in less than 24 hours, and you can downgrade/upgrade in any time paying monthly. Follow some plans you can choose between: Plan: VPS-L1 - CPU: 0.66 Ghz - RAM: 512MB - HDD: 10GB - Monthly Traffic: 250GB - Price: 9,90 € / month + VAT (total: 11,98 € per month) Plan: VPS-L3 - CPU: 1.8 Ghz - RAM: 1128MB - HDD: 20GB - Monthly Traffic: 750GB - Price: 19,90 € / month + VAT (total: 24,08 € per month) Plan: VPS-L5 - CPU: 3.0 Ghz - RAM: 1880MB - HDD: 30GB - Monthly Traffic: 1250GB - Price: 35,00 € / month + VAT (total: 42,35 € per month) Plan: VPS-L11 - CPU: 6.6 Ghz - RAM: 4136MB - HDD: 60GB - Monthly Traffic: 2750GB - Price: 89,00 € / month + VAT (total: 95,59 € per month) We got redudated connectivity, SLA 99.9%, IP lock management, hotlink protection, anti-leech, folders protection and support 24/7 via email, ticket and phone. Click here to configure / order your server: http://www.vps-cloud.it/billing/cart/vps-cloud-linux We accept VISA, Mastercard, PayPal & checking/current account payments. For more details about this, please e-mail us: info@keliweb.it Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vpscloudIT Twitter: @VPSCloudIT

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